Projects tagged: Java

Source Code Plagiarism Detection Algorithms

Extending the Sherlock plagiarism detector with new algorithms

For my dissertation I performed an investigation into the different algorithms used by source code plagiarism detectors. This involved extending an existing plagiarism detector called Sherlock with three additional algorithms. These were: an attribute counting algorithm, the Greedy-String-Tiling algorithm used by JPlag, and the Winnowing algorithm used by MOSS. In this post I'll briefly go over each of the algorithms and how they where implemented.

Feedback App

A university group project


During my second year at university, as part of our software engineering module, myself and a team of four other students were tasked with designing and developing software for a client, which in our case was Deutsche Bank.

We were tasked with designing a prototype system that could be used to provide live audience feedback, including an estimate of the group mood/sentiment, during a presentation. In this post I'll talk about how we approached this task and how I lead backend development.